The TOPdesk Self Service Portal is the virtual service desk of your organization. In the SSP, customers, or ‘callers’ can easily register incidents, requests and questions, using forms. This makes customer more self-reliant and calls less costly for service desk employees. The SSP allows you to communicate with and inform your customers about the services you provide or refer them to websites that handle the processes outside of TOPdesk. Customers can manage their calls, keep tabs on their progress or revisit resolved calls to reuse solutions. Part II of the Self Service Portal tutorials, contain the following videos:
How to use Availability to Link Person Group Part I:
This video explains how you can make a service (un)available for user groups. Say only managers in your organization can order big items such as printers. In this case, you can make the ‘order printer’ service in the self-service portal available only to managers.
How to use Availability to Link Person Group Part II:
This video explains how you can make a service (un)available for user groups. Say the service catalogue should be available only to managers. In this case, you can make the service catalogue tile in the self-service portal available only to managers.