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Supporting Files (Part 1)

Supporting files are the personnel files of your TOPdesk environment. They hold all data related to persons, operators and suppliers on person, operator and supplier ‘cards’. These tutorials will explain how to create and use these cards most effectively. Part I of the tutorials about the supporting files contain the following videos:

  • How to create a Branch:

    This video explains how branches work in TOPdesk and how to create one. When mapping out your organizational structure in TOPdesk, you must first register your branch(es). Almost all data registered in TOPdesk – such as persons, rooms, and objects– must be linked to a particular branch.

  • Persons vs Operators:

    This video will explain the difference between persons & operators in TOPdesk.  Operators – such as Service Desk employees, Facility managers, or ICT supporters - can use TOPdesk to process calls & requests. Persons, on the other hand, are at the receiving end of the service management. Persons can submit calls & requests in the Self-Service Portal but cannot access the operator section where these calls are processed.

  • How to create a Person:

    This video explains how persons can be created and used in TOPdesk. If you would like to add a new person to TOPdesk, you can do so via ‘supporting files’. Persons can be given log-in credentials, which will allow them access to the Self-Service Portal. Persons can then use the SSP to register calls (see Self-Service Portal videos).

  • How to create an Operator:

    This video explains what operators are and how they can be created in TOPdesk. Operators process and resolve requests & calls. Operators can be assigned tasks and given authorizations to access or execute certain types of calls. Operators can be first- and/or second line operators. First line operators handle simple calls, whereas second line operators are authorized to handle calls that are usually more consequential and complex.

Supporting Files Part 2